Saturday 24 February 2018

Energy Sources

Energy Sources

- Biomass. We distinguish between woody biomass (stems, branches, shrubs, hedges, twigs), non-woody biomass (stalks, leaves, grass, etc.), and crop residues (bagasse, husks, stalks, shells, cobs, etc.). The energy is converted through combustion (burning), gasification (transformation into gas) or anaerobic digestion (biogas production). Combustion and gasification ideally require dry biomass, whereas anaerobic digestion can very well take wet biomass. Fuel preparations can include chopping, mixing, drying, carbonizing (i.e. charcoal making) and briqueting (i.e. densification of residues of crops and other biomass).

- Dung from animals, and human excreta. The energy is converted through direct combustion or through anaerobic digestion.

- Animate energy. This is the energy which can be delivered by human beings and animals by doing work.

- Solar radiation, i.e. energy from the sun. We distinguish between direct beam radiation and diffuse (reflected) radiation. Direct radiation is only collected when the collector faces the sun. Diffuse radiation is less intense, but comes from all directions, and is also present on a cloudy day. Solar energy can be converted through thermal solar devices (generating heat) or through photovoltaic cells (generating electricity). Direct beam solar devices (whether thermal or photovoltaic) would need a tracking mechanism to have the device continuously facing the sun.

- Hydro resources, i.e. energy from water reservoirs and streams. We distinguish between: lakes with storage dams, natural heads (waterfalls), weirs, and run-of-river systems. Hydro energy can be converted by waterwheels or hydro turbines.

- Wind energy, i.e. energy from wind. Wind machines can be designed either for electricity generating or for water lifting (for irrigation and drinking water).

- Fossil fuels, like coal, oil and natural gas. Unlike the previous energy sources, the fossil energy sources are non-renewable.

- Geothermal energy, that is, the energy contained in the form of heat in the earth. A distinction is made between tectonic plates (in volcanic areas) and pressed reservoirs (could be anywhere). Geothermal energy is, strictly speaking, non-renewable, but the amount of heat in the earth is so large that for practical reasons geothermal energy is generally ranked with the renewables. Geothermal energy can only be tapped at places where high earth temperatures come close to the earth's surface.

Why do businesses need an Energy Audit?

What is an Energy Audit?

An Energy Audit is conducted by a qualified energy professional who is able to analyze energy usage at your business. An Energy Audit can be conducted at Level 1, 2 or 3.

For example, a Level 2 audit comprises of:

An analysis of the historical energy consumption – using a minimum of 24 months of data.
A tariff analysis to ensure that the business is on the tariff which matches their energy usage.
An on-site inspection of the business to obtain a checklist of equipment and appliances.
A staff survey to ascertain the usage pattern of the equipment and appliances, and obtain an understanding of the work processes.
An audit report with recommendations on actions which can be taken to reduce energy use, and/or change their tariff.

Why do businesses need an Energy Audit?

No two businesses are the same. The energy issues at one engineering firm would be different to the next. An energy audit is the FIRST STEP toward carbon reduction, through better energy efficiency. It serves to identify the major areas of energy use at your business so that actions can be targeted. This way, your business gets the most "bang for buck" for any investment made to improve energy efficiency,
An energy consultant will give you independent advice, whereas a lighting consultant will try and sell you energy efficient lighting, and a compressor company will tell you to upgrade your equipment. An independent energy audit will give you a full picture of your business' energy use, allowing you to make the most cost-effective decisions.

Sunday 18 February 2018

Renewable energy (Alternative Energy)

Renewable energy (Alternative Energy)

In a perfect world, our energy sources would be three things: renewable, stable, and efficient.
Renewable: The resource is always available or replaces itself by the time we need more. We don’t have to worry about running out.
Stable: There’s no limit on how much energy we use and when we use it. The light will always come on when you flick the switch.
Efficient: Energy, effort, and other resources are not wasted at any point in the process. The land is not permanently polluted, and the venture is generally profitable. If it’s not efficient, it’s not sustainable.

Canada, with its large landmass and diversified geography, has substantial renewable resources that can be used to produce energy; these resources include moving water, wind, biomass, solar, geothermal, and ocean energy.

Renewable energy is energy derived from natural processes that are replenished at a rate that is equal to or faster than the rate at which they are consumed. There are various forms of renewable energy, deriving directly or indirectly from the sun, or from heat generated deep within the earth. They include energy generated from solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower and ocean resources, solid biomass, biogas and liquid biofuels. Biomass, however, is a renewable resource only if its rate of consumption does not exceed its rate of regeneration.

Renewable energy sources also have a much smaller impact on the environment than fossil fuels, which produce pollutants such as greenhouse gases as a by-product, contributing to climate change. Gaining access to fossil fuels typically requires either mining or drilling deep into the earth, often in ecologically sensitive locations.

types of green energy:

Solar Power - The most prevalent type of renewable energy, solar power is typically produced using photovoltaic cells, which capture sunlight and turn it into electricity. Solar energy is also used to heat buildings and water, provide natural lighting and cook food. Solar technologies have become inexpensive enough to power everything from small hand-held gadgets to entire neighborhoods.
Wind Power - Airflow on the earth's surface can be used to push turbines, with stronger winds producing more energy. High-altitude sites and areas just offshore tend to provide the best conditions for capturing the strongest winds. According to a 2009 study, a network of land-based, 2.5-megawatt wind turbines in rural areas operating at just 20% of their rated capacity could supply 40 times the current worldwide consumption of energy.
Hydropower - Also called hydroelectric power, hydropower is generated by the Earth's water cycle, including evaporation, rainfall, tides and the force of water running through a dam. Hydropower depends on high precipitation levels to produce significant amounts of energy.
Geothermal Energy - Just under the earth's crust are massive amounts of thermal energy, which originates from both the original formation of the planet and the radioactive decay of minerals. Geothermal energy in the form of hot springs has been used by humans for millennia for bathing, and now it's being used to generate electricity. In North America alone, there's enough energy stored underground to produce 10 times as much electricity as coal currently does.
Biomass - Recently-living natural materials like wood waste, sawdust, and combustible agricultural wastes can be converted into energy with far fewer greenhouse gas emissions than petroleum-based fuel sources. That's because these materials, known as biomass, contain stored energy from the sun.
Biofuels - Rather than burning biomass to produce energy, sometimes these renewable organic materials are transformed into fuel. Notable examples include ethanol and biodiesel. Biofuels provided 2.7% of the world's fuels for road transport in 2010, and have the potential to meet more than 25% of world demand for transportation fuels by 2050.

Thursday 15 February 2018

Building Automation System – BAS

Building Automation System – BAS

EMS stands for Energy Management System. As per the old school of thought EMS is a combination of hardware and software that helps you to:

1.    Monitor - Regular collection of information on energy consumption to establish a basis for energy management and explain deviations from targets.
2.    Analyze - An information system that stores and analyzes energy-consumption data. It helps you identify trends as to how energy was used at various production levels of a manufacturing process or ambient temperature for a building.
3.    Target - Setting targets to reduce or control energy consumption based on an appropriate standard or benchmark.
4.    Control – Implementing management and technological measures to correct any variances from the target. This is a conservative definition of an EMS system and is primarily centered on technology.
5.    Engagement - According to the improved approach, an Energy Management System (EMS) is people-centric. It is incomplete without “Engagement”. The main objective of engagement is to connect user’s actions with energy consumption. By displaying real-time consumption information, users see the immediate impact of their actions. Letting users know their real-time consumption alone can be responsible for a substantial reduction in energy consumption. Usually, customers think that installing an EMS system will itself reduce their energy consumption. This is an incorrect view. An EMS has limited capability of reducing consumption until it is supported by the commitment from people running it. EMS must be supported by proper utilization of the analyzed data. The hardware and software will only be of a limited utility without a supporting management program. You can also delegate this work to an external consultant, who can help you achieve the desired results.
6.     System Architecture – An EMS consists of smart energy meters, sensors, and devices that monitor energy consumption and factors effecting consumption. These devices transmit data over wired or wireless network to a central server. An interactive application helps you in analyzing and reporting information, while engaging users (BAS).

A building automation system (BAS) manages the HVAC system, lighting and other equipment. The BAS observes the building’s schedule and any load changes, allowing it to subsequently modify levels as needed, maintaining a comfortable atmosphere for occupants always.

Integrated building automation offers benefits in many areas including limiting environmental impact, saving on energy costs and improving building security and safety. The systems not only regulate building functions, they compile data to help building managers determine ways to further cut costs and increase the efficiency and comfort of their buildings.

Energy Savings
it is estimated that a BAS can save a business between 5% and 30% on utility costs by
managing HVAC and lighting systems. HVAC and lighting are the two largest users of energy in modern buildings and are usually the first systems to be automated. Wireless BAS systems can monitor every zone of the building and make instant adjustments to maintain comfort while lowering energy usage. Lighting can be reduced remotely in areas of the building that are not occupied which also cuts energy costs.

Environmental Impact
By reducing the energy usage of a building, a BAS also reduces the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. A BAS can be integrated into plumbing systems to monitor and reduce water usage. By eliminating waste, these systems help buildings use resources more efficiently and reduce their impact on the environment. The systems also allow third parties, like government agencies, to collect data and validate the amount of energy consumed by the building.

Improved Security
The need for security depends on the nature of the business conducted in the building. A BAS can be programmed to lock doors and turn off lights at a designated time. Should an employee wish to access the building after that time, a key card will allow access and the system will turn on the lights in the area where the employee is working, but nowhere else. The system can also be programmed to control exterior lights in parking lots and security cameras. Should a security breach occur, the system will notify appropriate personnel?

Building Maintenance
In addition to monitoring energy usage, an integrated BAS monitors and collects data from all the zones in the building and reports the results on the system's computer. By reviewing the information provided by the BAS, an operator can identify and diagnose operational problems early without having to send a technician to locate it. Finding operational problems early and correcting them saves on the cost of building maintenance and prevents breakdowns which can interrupt business operations.

Operator Convenience
Many BASES can be accessed from any location with an internet connection so building operators do not have to be on site to access building data. Facilities with more than one building can integrate the systems of all the buildings onto a single front end computer which allows an operator to monitor the entire facility from a single source. Since the system provides the data to diagnose problems, it saves money by reducing the number of employees required to provide building maintenance.
There are many benefits to businesses from the use of BAS in their facilities and each system can be tailored to meet the needs of the individual company. Smart buildings help any business operate more efficiently while providing high levels of comfort and convenience to building operators and tenants.

Thursday 8 February 2018

Energy Management System - EMS

Energy Management System - EMS

Energy Management can mean a variety of things to different types of energy users or even to energy producers. Obviously, in the case of energy producers (i.e. utilities), energy management is a matter of managing energy generation and energy supply, and efficiently meet the demands of the energy users who are their customers. For energy users, Energy Management can be described as the sum of measures planned and carried out to achieve the objective of using the minimum possible energy while the comfort levels (in offices or dwellings) and the production
rates (in factories) are maintained. Saving energy can be extremely easy if we just shut things down, but that is impractical. The important thing to remember about energy management is that comfort and production levels remain somewhat the same as before any energy was conserved.
To make an efficient use of the energy, actions can be focused on a variety of different areas and approaches including energy conservation, energy recovery, and energy substitution.

Energy Conservation
Efforts that are made to reduce energy consumption through the economy, elimination of waste, or more rational use.

Energy Recovery
The reuse of a byproduct of one system for use as input energy for another system. An example of this is taking the waste heat generated from a manufacturing process and using it for another purpose such as heating water.

Energy Substitution
The substitution of one energy source or fuel type for a more economical or less polluting energy source or fuel type.

Sunday 4 February 2018

Weatherization (weatherproofing)

Weatherization (weatherproofing) 

Weatherization or weatherproofing is the practice of protecting a building and its interior from the elements, particularly from sunlight, precipitation, and wind, and of modifying a building to reduce energy consumption and optimize energy efficiency.
Weatherization is distinct from building insulation, although building insulation requires weatherization for proper functioning. Many types of insulation can be thought of as weatherization because they block drafts or protect from cold winds. Whereas insulation primarily reduces conductive heat flow, weatherization primarily reduces convective heat flow.
Weatherization is one of the ways to make a home more comfortable while also saving money and energy. Some weatherization projects may be best left to the professionals, while others can be tackled by homeowners themselves.
The U.S. Department of Energy said that the purpose of a home energy audit is to give homeowners a complete picture of how they consume energy. Audits can shed light on how much energy is being consumed and if there is anywhere in the home where energy might be going to waste. Audits should be conducted before beginning any weatherization projects. Professional auditors may give advice on which areas of the home should be addressed first, while homeowners who conduct their own audits can make a list of issues before determining where to start.
Weatherizing a home is a great way for homeowners to reduce their carbon footprints and save some money.

Saturday 3 February 2018

Energy Management

Energy Management

Energy management is defined as “the strategy of adjusting and optimizing energy, using systems and procedures so as to reduce energy requirements per unit of output, while holding constant or reducing total costs of producing the output from these systems”.
The objectives of energy management are: achieve and maintain optimum energy procurement and utilization, throughout the organization, minimize energy costs/waste without affecting production & quality, and minimize environmental effects.
Energy management is an integral part of cost reduction strategy to improve competitiveness. Energy management addresses issues related to energy costs, energy efficiency, secure energy supplies, alternative energy sources and abatement of environmental pollution.

Successful energy management calls for a well thought out strategy that addresses issues related to the organization, people, technology, and finance.
Energy management, like any other management issue, rarely succeeds without the commitment of the top management. The top management has to recognize that the energy cost is a manageable expense and that there is a scope for reduction. Depending on the size and technological sophistication of the organization, it has to spell out an energy management policy and create the right structure within the organization for controlling this cost center. The subject being inter-disciplinary in nature, the created structure like an Energy Management Committee or cell should have representation from all major departments. Senior persons with decision-making authority should be the members of this committee or cell.
To ensure widespread support to the decisions of the energy management cell, people at all levels of the organization have to be sensitized to this issue by conducting a large number of focused training programmes. This is absolutely important in situations wherein significant energy cost reduction is targeted through operational changes. All members of the organization should be aware of the energy cost being incurred by the organization and the competitive pressures to reduce production costs. Members of the energy conservation cell and senior decision makers of all departments should be given specialized training on energy management to enable them to make informed decisions.
The energy management strategy should be able to clearly elucidate the energy implications of the vintage of technology in use.  It should also be able to identify areas where better engineering practices can reduce energy losses and improve the overall energy efficiency. It should be able to follow the market trends in fuel prices and identify alternative fuel options.
Energy management projects meeting the financial criteria of the organization should be accommodated in the organizational budget. Active involvement of decision makers from finance in the core energy management group is needed to ensure that the benefits are quantified in a manner that the project gets the deserved priority and finance is allocated. Non-involvement of finance personnel may result in rejection of the project for frivolous reasons.
Energy management strategies with the above four components,  a designated energy manager and an energy conservation cell have a reasonable chance to succeed.

Indoor Air Quality - IAQ

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants. Understanding and controlling common pollutants indoors can help reduce your risk of indoor health concerns.
Health effects from indoor air pollutants may be experienced soon after exposure or, possibly, years later.
Indoor air quality, or IAQ, refers to the condition of the air in your home. The aspects of IAQ include Temperature, Humidity, Air purity, and Air freshness.
When these conditions aren't properly managed, it can lead to poor indoor air quality. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the air inside your home can be up to ten times more polluted than the air outside.
Indoor air may contain contaminants such as tobacco smoke, dust particles, mold spores, and chemicals, such as formaldehyde (from carpets, plywood, paints, adhesives etc.) or volatile organic compounds (VOCs), like benzene (found in cigarette smoke and other products like glues and paints, etc). These contaminants circulate through the air and are distributed throughout our homes.
Controlling the release of contamination, flit ration and the use of ventilation to dilute contaminants are the main methods used to improve indoor air quality in buildings. Cleaning carpets and area rugs are another way to maintain indoor air quality in homes and office buildings.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has guidelines for how frequently buildings should be cleaned based on traffic, the number of household members, pets, children, and smokers.

Zero Energy Buildings

A Common Definition for Zero Energy Buildings Thousands of project teams throughout the country seek to push the envelope and dev...